Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Economic Development Record Essay

Economies all around the world create after some time contingent upon the approaches that they embrace to use the assets inside their limits. Countries that use their assets experience monetary development and there is incredible inflow and outpouring of merchandise and ventures in those countries. Financial development implies that the country is using its assets proficiently and this has come about into expanded profitability inside the different areas of the economy. Ventures inside the country increment because of the improved financial presentation that will result to the formation of greater business openings consequently diminishing joblessness levels in the country (Daquila 2004). Because of the expansion in the quantity of businesses and yield in the previously existing ventures, work openings increment and this achieves a decrease in the quantity of residents jobless. Joblessness is extremely essential in figuring a countries GDP which is a marker to a countries execution. Monetary development delineates an expansion in dad capita salary. This is the salary related with each person in the economy despite the fact that they might not have it in their ownership (Daquila 2004). Dad capita pay is determined by partitioning the general estimation of the economy proportionately separated between the nation’s by and large economy. Then again, Daquila (2004) characterizes financial advancement as the improvement in the occupation of individual residents of a country along with that of the frameworks that are set up in the country. A nation’s framework includes monetary, political and social system from which the economy works in. All the above in addition to monetary development characterizes financial turn of events. Financial execution is estimated utilizing different instruments that incorporate GNP and GDP. Gross domestic product gauges the financial presentation offering thought to inward and outside exchanges (Daquila 2004). In building up the GDP, thought is given to utilization in the country, consumption by the Government, interests in the country, exchanges the country that is imports and fares. Utilization involves short-lived and durable products and enterprises inside the country. In deciding the durable merchandise they are thought to be items that will keep going for a time of three years from the date of assembling. GNP alludes to the contrast between imported items and administrations and the sent out items. The estimation of this distinction added to the estimation of items and administrations produced inside the economy results to the GNP. To assess the financial exhibition of a country, various markers are utilized to gauge precisely how the economy is advancing towards its monetary goals. A country needs to decide the degree of utilization of its individual residents (Todaro 1997). The degree of utilization implies the extent an individual spends subsequent to getting their salary. The rest of the piece of the pay is spared. The utilization level of a country decides the measure of investment funds in the economy. Investment funds then again, animates development in the economy. At the point when people increment their investment funds, the monetary organizations hold more cash in this manner the expense of getting to reserves is low. Business elements in the country can get to assets requiring little to no effort from the monetary foundations. The acquired assets are utilized for the extension of business tasks over the ventures inside the economy. The extension of business exercises results to an expansion in national yield and work (Munk and O’Hearn 1999). The expansion in national yield expands the fares of a country in regard to its imports. The subsequent equalization of exchange will be certain thus the country has more regarding remote holds that will help them with regards to buying produces from different nations. In this way, reserve funds are imperative for the improvement of the exhibition of an economy. T o initiate investment funds in the economy, the open door cost of sparing must be high with the goal that people can embrace a pattern of sparing since they are remunerated plentifully for prior utilization. It very well may be presumed that expansion in reserve funds results to an expansion in ventures that contribute towards the development of an economy. Expanded action inside the economy results to an expansion underway degrees of the economy (Ros 2000). The country can create more items and administrations, that can address the issues of the countries populace. Since the items are privately made, they are very moderate accordingly people can spend less and spare more. This outcomes to an expansion in the genuine pay that people have in their pockets and are prepared to spend. It ought to be noticed that expanded creation must be met by equivalent utilization else it could result to misfortunes that will hurt the economy. Contingent upon the extension of the economy, paces of joblessness alter themselves in pretty much similar rates. Expanded creation will require an expansion in labor that will have the option to keep up the creation levels. Countries with enormous populaces face a significant test in retaining its residents in the workforce. Singular residents for a beginning need to have the significant aptitudes required to act in various businesses. Training in these economies must be submitted and coordinated towards ingraining people with the vital aptitudes that will be helpful in rendering administration to the different segments of the economy. A gifted populace results to monetary advancement since the people are inclined to practice their expertise base towards carrying on with a superior life in this way adding to the economy’s development. Monetary advancement relies additionally upon the use of the nation’s authority (Preston 1999). The administration comprises of different offices that supervise the execution of approaches that improve the condition of the economy. These offices are given the monetary capacity to actualize and enhance the different financial viewpoints for instance the advancement of fundamental foundation inside the economy. In improving the framework, the administration discharges cash from its coffers to the general population. Along these lines, the gracefully of cash increments to rise to its interest. Much of the time, when the Government spends on its advancement programs, cash flexibly is more than the cash requested. In the event that this circumstance is permitted to go unchecked it may result to swelling and later to stagflation; a circumstance where both the joblessness and expansion rates are so high. Consequently, Government association in an economy must be considered cautiously when undertaking advancement ventures. Expanded paces of creation in an economy builds the yield levels that may go over and past in fulfilling the neighborhood need. Having fulfilled the nearby interest, abundance items can be sent out to different countries. This encourages global exchange where countries trade wares they have in overabundance for items they don't have. Countries ought to abstain from bringing in more and sending out less as this prompts a negative exchange balance. This implies the country spends more in remote cash than it gets. Third world and creating countries ought to consider the above factors on the off chance that they are to accomplish prodded monetary development. They most significant is to guarantee that their populace is gifted with the goal that they can use their aptitudes by building up some salary creating action that will make work openings and increment the absolute creation of their economy. MALAYSIA. The current day Malaysia accomplished autonomy in the 1957 from the British organization and agreed the sovereign status in 1963 (Malaysia 2008). The Britons built up themselves in mid 1880’s and later proceeded to control the state by building up a self administering expert for the Malaysian individuals. The Federal States of Malaysia were consolidated in the 1895. The states were under the British control until when the Japanese attacked in 1942. England battled over Japan and in 1945 the states where restored under the locale of the British. In 1948, guerilla developments started challenging the provincial position that came about to a crisis assertion. In 1965, the Federation territory of Singapore broke down from the part countries deciding on self administration. 1957 saw the accomplishing of freedom of the Federation from the British specialists. In the late 1960’s, the Malaysian government looked to adjust the economy among its nationals in order to accomplish financial improvement by equivalent appropriation of national riches among its constituent networks (Malaysia 2007). Malaysia has a rich culture that is apparent from its assorted networks and language talking residents. Its populace comprises of Chinese speakers, Indians, English, among different dialects (Malaysia 2007). The enormous populace comprises of Malaysian locals nearby Chinese, Indians and other neighborhood networks. Malaysia comprises of people who practice diverse strict convictions that incorporate Hindu, Islam, Buddhist, Sikh among different religions. The wealth of Malaysia presents it with a serious workforce than some other country on the planet. The improved financial presentation of Malaysia is because of an assembled people from various societies and not permitting governmental issues to destroy their country. Malaysia has needed to keep up a unified country and focussing on the harmony of the country by maintaining a strategic distance from personal circumstances. Malaysia is enhanced with normal assets that incorporate raw petroleum and that it has needed to manage the asset in a cautious way to keep away from the negative repercussions that outcome from the unreasonable dispersion of characteristic asset gains. Total national output (GDP). The GDP mirrors the absolute action in the economy. This considers both the general population and private areas of the economy and their commitment towards the improvement of the economy. It additionally thinks about the practices of the residents in respects

Saturday, August 22, 2020

William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay Example For Students

William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay Many may state that the expense of Hamlet s retribution is demise. Genuine that is one result of his retribution, yet that isn't all. In William Shakespeare s Hamlet, we get some answers concerning different outcomes of vengeance. This is an account of homicide and that is for sure what Hamlets retribution is. As Lord Hamlet s phantom says, Murder generally foul, as in the best it seems to be (1. 5. 33). While Hamlets activities influenced numerous things, maybe the most noteworthy move was what made spot close to the finish of the play. Each and every individual who is apparently guarding the château is so enveloped with the dramatization of Hamlets vengeance that they disregard carrying out their responsibility of keeping watch. While viewing the inauspicious fencing match among Hamlet and Laertes, Norway s armed force encompassed and attacked the palace. Due to the absence of watchmen, the military effectively overwhelms the couple of men keeping watch. Holding onto control of the manor, Norway presently managed Denmark. The Norwegians, expecting more obstruction were astounded by the quantity of individuals dead This quarry cries on ruin (5. 2. 403). This was unmistakably the most critical outcome of Hamlets vengeance. We will compose a custom exposition on William Shakespeares Hamlet explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The whole illustrious family was additionally enormously influenced by Hamlet s retribution. When the King, Queen, and ruler were dead, nobody else was left to assume control over the crown. Maybe the killings were a childish thing for Hamlet to have done. He didn't consider the drawn out influences his activities would cause. At the point when he submitted his first homicide and accordingly his first demonstration of vengeance he absolutely didn't understand what occasions would follow and in the long run lead to the end of Denmark. Without a doubt he didn't foresee Ophelia s passing nor his moms and positively not his own. Hamlet no doubt was not anticipating the dozen or so passings that came out of his vengeance. Perhaps he didn't know about some other option in contrast to executing the King. Possibly he was too frantic to even think about clearing his head and consider different other options. Hamlet was positively a keen individual so he rebelliously could have thought of different approaches to manage his wrath. It is comprehended that he arrived at the resolution that the best way to take care of the issue of his scorn and envy of his Uncle, presently the King, was to murder him. As Polonius said Though this be franticness, yet there is strategy in t (2. 2. 223). Maybe Polonius was stating that Hamlet s retribution truly had some basic thinking to it. In the event that that was the situation he ought to have managed it in a develop way, and not brought such huge numbers of individuals into the entire trial. The main individuals that truly should have been included were Hamlet and his mom, the Queen. One issue that could have emerged if Hamlet had executed his uncle toward the start was that others would have believed that it was a homicide absolutely out of contempt and envy. He would have had no substantial confirmation that his uncle had slaughtered his dad, the lord. So as to assume control over the seat. Individuals would have imagined that he was insane on the off chance that he disclosed to them that the explanation that he executed his Uncle was on the grounds that his fathers phantom revealed to him that his Uncle was the killer. Due to his apparently trivial activities he would have lost all regard of his friends and family, for example, the Queen and Ophelia. He likewise may have confronted being decapitated by the townspeople. Possibly this was the correct activity; it spared any sorrow of lost ones or contempt towards Hamlet. Hamlet may truly have utilized his insight positively when he followed up on his vengeance. Hamlet s vengeance was unquestionably the principle subject to the play. .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .postImageUrl , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:hover , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:visited , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:active { border:0!important; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:active , .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:hover { obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } . u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1b354d06104c2d9320c4c7e9f5af1fcf:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: An article on OthelloWhat began as Hamlet s want to seek retribution towards his uncle for slaughtering his dad raised to the point that Denmark would be changed until the end of time. Today vengeance of a similar sort as Hamlet s could never be socially adequate. Maybe Hamlet had never been trained slaughtering severely wasn't right, perhaps he thought it was the discipline his Uncle merited. Possibly the most significant thing however is to find a sense of contentment with yourself, be content with yourself, and with your activities. This most importantly: to thine own self be valid (1. 3. 84), that is all that you can seek after from Hamlet; that he was to the exclusion of everything else, consistent with himself.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Running Effective Meetings with Mind Maps (Tutorial)

Running Effective Meetings with Mind Maps (Tutorial) Meetings take up a huge chunk of work time, and too often the results of those hours of discussions and brainstormings have no actionable outcome. In this article, well introduce you to a system that ensures more  effective meetings, using our online mind mapping tool MindMeister. This is where MindMeister can help: Prepare and distribute an effective  meeting agenda in a mind map Add all relevant links, graphics and files to the map Create engaging presentations from mind maps with a few clicks Take efficient meeting minutes that can be shared with participants Create and  assign actionable tasks  right inside the map Mind maps are a very effective tool when it comes to organizing meetings. They offer a clear structure and a great overview of the agenda.Saskia Bral, Dewaele Group Why Use Mind Maps for Meeting Management? Mind maps are visual  representations of information. Instead of the linear text format you know from Word documents, mind maps organize your agenda and meeting minutes  in a two-dimensional  structure thats easy to understand  and lets you see all important notes at glance. Meeting mind maps  visualize connections between ideas, highlight priorities, and hold a complete record of your discussion on one single page. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Weekly Strategy Meeting on MindMeister. With MindMeister being completely web-based, all meeting participants can also  contribute to the map simultaneously.  They can add notes to topics, vote on ideas, attach visual media, create tasks and assign priorities. We could also use Google Documents for our meeting minutes, but using mind maps is more visually attractive and easier to understand, as agendas, decisions, opinions, everything is connected in one map.Mr. Horie, Marketing Manager, ChatWork Using Mind Maps for Running  Effective  Meetings 1. Preparing the  meeting agenda With their visual structure, mind maps enable participants to get an instant overview of the entire meeting agenda and dive right into the discussion. When preparing a meeting mind map, you can start with a blank map or use one of MindMeisters  meeting templates, which are all available in the template library. The topic of your meeting always goes into the center of the map, but the rest of the maps  structure depends on the type of meeting youre conducting. Heres an example of a simple but effective meeting mind map based on one of our map  templates: As you can see, this map records who is attending the meeting. It offers space for all  meeting-relevant documents and has branches for important announcements, discussion notes and action items resulting from the discussion. This can be a useful structure for meetings that are a little more formal and require an exact  record that you can refer to later on. Tip: Create  a system of color codes and icons to highlight individual elements and quickly signal information to people. Once youve developed a system that works well for your needs you can re-use it for all your future meeting maps. Heres an example of a status meeting map similar to the one we use at MindMeister to conduct our weekly status meetings. The Next In Progress Done structure in the map reflects the Kanban system we use in our MeisterTask project boards. To save time we dont create a new mind map from scratch every week. Instead,  we simply  duplicate the map we used the previous  week  and share the clone  with the department heads a day before the meeting. This way, they can simply drag and drop items that were previously in Next to In Progress and move completed items from  In Progress to Done. Tip:  Using the sidebar in the mind map editor you can add links to external websites, Google Docs or other mind maps. You can also attach  related files such as project plans or reports and upload graphics, diagrams, videos, and more. 2. Creating Engaging Presentations for Your Next Meeting Whether youre presenting an idea to your team or pitching to busy executives, a mind map is a great format that will engage your audience and help them follow your thought process. Creating mind map presentations is also simple and quick â€" a dynamic slideshow can be put together in less than three minutes! Check out this video to see it done in real-time: The best part about a mind map presentation is that you â€" and anybody else whos invited to the map â€" can make notes and comment on ideas directly in the map, be it during your presentation or during the discussion that follows it. Tip: For in-person meetings, you can simply  connect your device to a projector and have the presentation projected onto a screen while you do your pitch.  If your audience is not in the same room with you, you can invite them to the mind map beforehand and use MindMeister to broadcast the presentation to them in real-time. Thanks to MindMeister, our meeting times have reduced drastically. Meetings are short and sharp, because we have all important information prepped before we go in.Liam Hughes, Biggerplate 3. Taking Efficient Meeting Minutes Even if you havent prepared the meeting agenda up front you can always quickly open a blank map and start taking notes during meetings.  Mind maps are a fantastic format for any type of note-taking. Here are a few reasons why: Instead of mindlessly transcribing what you hear word for word, mind maps encourage you to take fewer yet  more meaningful notes. You can easily add information anywhere on the map, which is especially useful if the discussion jumps back and forth between a number of topics. You can use key shortcuts to add new topics and thus take notes with incredible speed. This is particularly important during creative brainstorming sessions where a lot of valuable ideas are generated in very little time. You can create topics  for important keywords and add more detailed information in the notes section of each topic. This will help keep your map clean and ensure it doesnt get too cluttered or large. When it comes to generating ideas and working through creative tasks, mind maps are 30% more efficient than linear documents.Daniel Attallah, CEO, Pixum 4. Creating and Assigning Tasks We really can not stress this enough: An effective  meeting never ends before clear, actionable tasks have been defined and assigned to the persons responsible. If you leave the room before writing down exactly what needs to be done, you risk that your best ideas never get implemented. With MindMeister, you can create tasks  right inside the  mind map you used for note-taking. The mind map editor offers essential task management capabilities like setting due dates, assigning tasks to map collaborators, marking completion and more. Simply select a topic in your map and use the widget in the sidebar to turn the topic into a task. Tip:  MindMeister seamlessly integrates with the online task management tool  MeisterTask. You can log in to MeisterTask with your existing MindMeister account  and export tasks from your map directly into agile project boards. Take a look at the short video below to see this workflow in action: So this is how mind maps can help you run effective meetings and ensure all meeting participants are always on the same page. If you give this workflow a try, let us know how you get on in the comments below! Manage Meetings with Online Mind Maps ! Try it now !

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Chicago Jazz and the Great Migration Free Essay Example, 1250 words

These reasons include; The failure of crops in their regions of origin. The existence of too much discrimination in the south. The availability of job opportunities in Chicago factories and WWI demand for workers. The decent pay for work done. The jobs in Chicago paid good and reasonable money. The Chicago Defender ads in the north held out the optimism of a better life. In regard to the above reasons, about 75,000 immigrants came to north from the southern region of the Chicago as early as from 1916 to 1920s. Among the immigrants were the very creative persons in the south. Jazz artists came from New Orleans to perform music in Chicago, New York and Kansas. Blues artists arrived from the Delta. The NAACP warmly welcomed the writers and poets such as the sculptor Augusta savage, poet Langston Hughes, and writer Zola Neale Hurston. Together with poet Countee Cullen and among other black artists, they formed a cultural explosion termed Harlem Renaissance. The immigrants came to be par t of an already booming African American community on the southern side of Chicago. At that time, the entertainment and economic district was The Stroll; the existence of the prospect of work that attracted people to the Stroll. We will write a custom essay sample on Chicago Jazz and the Great Migration or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now By working very hard, the community could afford the payment to have music entertainment that lured musicians in great numbers to Chicago. The availability of music pleasure amassed musicians in an unprecedented way. Most of these artists performed jazz music that people of Chicago loved so much (Rowley, Hazel. Richard Wright. 53). Before the Storyville was closed Chicago could boast of great musical talent and prominent venues such as the sheet music, at 2700 south state, that featured Pekin Theatre from 1904. In respect to the Chicago Defender, Erskine Tate performed violin recital for the first time in 1910, in Chicago. He was the leader of Vendome orchestra. In 1906, Wilbur Sweatman played an amazing clarinet in Chicago. Moreover, Jelly Roll Morton presided over a band at the Richelieu and Elite #2 Cafes and the DeLuxe in the course of 1914 and 1915. Also, many different New Orleans had already performed at the north before 1917. The famous band of Brown was the first band to come to the north in the 1915. By the time Sidney Bechet, King Oliver, Freddie Keppard and other prominent New Orleans musicians set a foot in north to rub musical shoulders in 1918 with local talent, the classic style of New Orleans artists had already started to transform an indifference to local tastes.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Adidas Essay - 2734 Words

How Adidas Aims to Get Its Cool Back - WSJ Page 1 of 10 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. To order presentation-ready copies for distribution to your colleagues, clients or customers visit EUROPEAN BUSINESS NEWS How Adidas Aims to Get Its Cool Back The German sports brand wants to end its long U.S. slump ByELLEN EMMERENTZE JERVELL andSARA GERMANO Updated March 22, 2015 9:21 p.m. ET Adidas AG notched a big win when it signed a deal in January to sponsor University of Miami sports. The school had been rival Nike Inc.’s turf for decades, a perfect place to show that Adidas’s new U.S. chief was breaking its long†¦show more content†¦Last year, Adidas fell to No. 3 in the U.S. behind Under Armour Inc. in retail sales of sports apparel and footwear, according to Sterne Agee and SportScanInfo. â€Å"When Herbert took over, America was a problem,† says Christophe Bezu, former head of Adidas Asia Pacific, who left in 2011 after almost 24 years with the company. â€Å"America has always been a problem, and despite serious efforts nobody has been able to fix it.† Mr. Hainer declines to be interviewed. In a financial presentation this month, he said Adidas â€Å"underperformed in North America and we are all disappointed.† A Run Through Adidas History in Photos  » Adidas’s race in today’s competitive sportswear market, with help from stars like Kanye West, harks back to Jesse Owens’s running shoes in the 1936 Berlin Olympics. 1of 8 Adidas was founded in 1949 by German athlete and shoemaker Adolf Dassler. ADIDAS Mr. Hainer wants to reboot in the U.S. with Mr. King, an Adidas-group veteran who took over North American operations last June. Mr. King, an American, says headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Germany, has given him more leeway than to predecessors to craft a U.S.-specific strategy. America is â€Å"a very different mind-set from Germany,† Mr. King says. â€Å"That’s really the epiphany.† MoreRelatedAdidas956 Words   |  4 Pagesadidas AG (German pronunciation: [ˈadiËÅ'das]) is a German multinational corporation that designs and manufactures sports clothing and accessories based in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, Germany. Frequently mispronounced as (German pronunciation: [ ˈadIËÅ'dÉ ÃŒ ¯s]). It is the holding company for the Adidas Group, which consists of the Reebok sportswear company, TaylorMade-Adidas golf company (including Ashworth), Rockport, and 9.1% of FC Bayern Munich. Besides sports footwear, Adidas also produces other productsRead MoreAdidas : Adidas Current Official Logo1887 Words   |  8 Pages Introduction:- Adidas Group, a German multinational corporation that designs and manufactures sports shoes, clothing and accessories based in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, Germany. Adidas was founded in 1948 by Adolf Dassler, following the split of Gebrà ¼der Dassler Schuhfabrik between him and his older brother Rudolf. It offers its products through three brands, including adidas, TaylorMade-adidas Golf, and Reebok. The company operates in Europe, the Americas and Asia. Adidas is the largest sportswearRead MoreAdidas : Brand Review : Adidas1461 Words   |  6 PagesINTRODUCTION Adidas is a sportswear manufacturing company started by Adolf Dassler. Adidas group has incorporated brands including Adidas, Reebok, TaylorMade-Adidas and Rockport. The wings of the company are widespread and have assimiliated other productions including handbags, shirts, spectacles, watches, balls, and sportswear. Adidas is being the largest company that sells footwear in the European market and have achieved a momentous market share at the global platform. Adidas has achieved phenomenalRead MoreAdidas2026 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Adidas is a company that manufactures shoes and sport apparel. The founder is Adolf Dassler who is German. The name created by combination of the name and surname Adi Dassler, who started producing shoes in 1920s with the help of his brother Rudolf Dassler. That make costumer, to recognize Adidas is three parallel stripes of the same color. Slogan: â€Å"IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING† 1. History 1949-2005 Due to the death of Adolf’s son (Horst Dassler), the Company was bought in 1990 by BernardRead MoreAdidas2393 Words   |  10 PagesPRODUCTS Running Adidas currently manufactures several running shoes, including the adiStar Control 5, the adiStar Ride (the replacement for the adiStar Cushion 6), the Supernova Sequence (the replacement for the Supernova Control 10), and the Supernova Cushion 7 (which will soon be replaced by the Supernova Glide), among others. In addition, their performance apparel is widely used by runners. Adidas also uses kangaroo leather to make their more expensive shoes. Association football One of theRead MoreScale of Adidas1886 Words   |  8 PagesAdidas: Strengths -Strong success in Europe -High-performance products -Recent selling of subsidiary â€Å"dog† Salomon -In many invents is the biggest sponsor -Strong management team. -Strong control over its own distribution channel. -In the soccer industry, it has a stronghold. -No bad reputation like child labour or environment pollution. -Diversity and variety in products offered. -Strong financial position with minimal long term debts -Innovative designs in footwear enabling consumersRead MoreThe Success of Adidas1056 Words   |  5 PagesTHE HUMBLE SUCCESS OF ADIDAS Nowadays, the value of sports has been increasing more and more. So, it is important to have a good quality brands for the sportsmen to wear and equipments to use. Adidas is one of the most famous companies for producing the most quality sport goods. â€Å"Many people believe that the name Adidas is an acronym that stands for all day I dream about sports. This idea has been popularly passed around for many years, but it is utterly false. While it may be used that wayRead MoreAdidas and Nike1270 Words   |  6 PagesADIDAS AND NIKE Nike and Adidas are two the largest sportswear companies of nowadays. They are the giants in the sportswear industry, which always introduce innovative products, in order to become the ultimate market leaders. Nike is an American multinational corporation, which produces footwear, clothes, equipment and other active sport items (Feifer 2014). The company was founded in 1964 by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman. Nike uses specific method of advertising, which differentiates it fromRead MoreAdidas Paper: Adolf Adi Dassler Is The Founder of Adidas973 Words   |  4 PagesFor Adidas, the beginning was with shoes. â€Å"Shoes to play in, shoes to play better in, shoes to win in.† Shoes that, one day would go on to be worn by champions that would win trophies and medals, shoes that would break impossible records. Athletes of all kinds would wear them and create magic wearing them. Today, Adidas is one of the world’s leading brands, recognized and respected. In 1925, in a small German village, the world got its first taste of Adidas. It was there, in a village by the nameRead MoreAdidas Group1992 Words   |  8 Pageswith a reputable company. Having played soccer through college and two years after Adidas is a company I am very familiar with. Additionally, TaylorMade is part of the Adidas Group. I am an avid golfer who refuses to play anything but TaylorMade and have a fair amount of knowledge about their company and products. Additionally, I am considering employment with the Adidas Group after completing of my MBA. Adidas has a very interesting history. In 1925 Adolf â€Å"Adi† Dassler designed his first pair

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37 Free Essays

Edward’s gun was pressed to Damien’s head the next instant. â€Å"No!† I shouted, tugging at the ropes. â€Å"Edward, you promised me you’d take care of him. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Edward frowned, confused. â€Å"I am taking care of him.† â€Å"You know I didn’t mean for you to kill him.† â€Å"I do?† The room was suddenly pandemonium, everyone talking at once. In the midst of everything, Damien’s eyes met mine. I saw no one but him. He’d revealed himself for me. Knowing Edward, he would die for it. â€Å"Silence,† Elise snapped. Amazingly, everyone complied. â€Å"I don’t need the blood of a live werewolf in human form right now.† She lifted her hand out of the bag. Her fingers held a full syringe. â€Å"I already have it.† â€Å"Oops,† Damien murmured. â€Å"Yes.† Edward shoved the gun into Damien’s ear. â€Å"Oops.† â€Å"Take it outside,† Elise ordered. â€Å"No.† I struggled, again to no avail. â€Å"Don’t hurt him. He’s not what you think.† â€Å"Not the fanged and furry?† Jessie asked. â€Å"What exactly does werewolf mean, Leigh?† â€Å"He’s different.† â€Å"That is what they all say,† Edward murmured. â€Å"Why don’t you tell us what you’re talking about?† This was Will, a voice of reason always. Despite his Forrest Gump manner, he was starting to grow on me. â€Å"The brown wolf,† I blurted. â€Å"The one that was killing the others but not eating them.† â€Å"You?† Jessie asked Damien. He tried to nod, but it was a little hard with a gun in his ear. â€Å"Him,† I confirmed. â€Å"He’s been helping us.† â€Å"No, he’s been helping Hector.† Jessie drew her weapon. â€Å"He didn’t know about the legend.† Jessie rolled her eyes. â€Å"Are you that naive?† My body stiffened as if I’d been hit with a cattle prod. Every muscle, every joint, tightened in agony. My eyes bugged. I saw the moon, felt its sheen on my skin like a caress. Then it was gone, and I lay there panting, aching, bleeding, but there was no blood. â€Å"I’d like to inject this before the first change,† Elise said. â€Å"Upsetting her is only making that happen more quickly. Perhaps we could let him live until I’m done here?† â€Å"Fine, whatever.† Jessie put up her gun. â€Å"Edward?† Elise murmured. Edward’s gaze flicked toward her, then away. â€Å"I will not shoot him. Unless he makes me. But I will not put away my weapon.† He removed the gun from Damien’s ear – barely. With Edward, that was the best I could hope for. The fit, or whatever it had been, passed. I was covered with sweat. My skin seemed too small, the hair on my arms too big. My scalp tingled, as did the base of my spine. Hell, I was probably sprouting a tail. â€Å"Get on with it,† I ordered. Elise stuck me. Frowning, she depressed the syringe and shot every last drop into my vein. She pulled the needle out, pressed a cotton pad to the prick, lifted it, scowled. â€Å"No blood,† she murmured. â€Å"The wound healed already.† â€Å"Is that good or bad?† â€Å"I have no idea.† Oh, yeah, I was the guinea pig. I waited for†¦ something. What I got was nothing at all. Everyone stared at me. I stared back. We waited for what seemed like forever but was probably only an hour. â€Å"How do you feel, Leigh?† Elise asked for the fifth time. â€Å"Fine,† I repeated. â€Å"Any strange visions, odd pains?† â€Å"Not anymore.† â€Å"I’ll stay with her,† she said. â€Å"No,† Edward stated, gun still pointed at Damien. â€Å"If she hasn’t changed by morning, the serum works. There’s no reason for all of us to stay here. Don’t you have something to do?† Edward glanced at Damien. â€Å"Why, yes, I do.† â€Å"No!† I said. â€Å"If the serum works, we can use it on him.† Damien blinked. His eyes met mine; something flickered in the gray-green depths. I think it was hope. â€Å"She’s right,† Elise murmured. Edward scowled, but he lowered his gun. â€Å"Do not make me come after you. You will not like what happens then.† â€Å"I’m not leaving Leigh. Ever.† â€Å"If the serum does not work, I will kill you.† â€Å"If the serum doesn’t work, I’ll let you.† The world receded, but at least I didn’t smell the forest, hear the trees, feel the wind. I didn’t taste blood; I didn’t even want to. I had to sleep. But before I did, just in case I never woke up, I wanted one last kiss. â€Å"Damien,† I whispered. He knelt by the bed. His fingertips brushed my hand. I turned my face, and his mouth was there. How had he known what I wanted without my saying a word? The kiss was gentle, sweet, everything I could ask for in a final embrace. His tongue tasted of mint – fresh and clean, new. He nibbled my lower lip, rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone. â€Å"Reverse Sleeping Beauty complex,† Jessie muttered. â€Å"His kiss puts her to sleep.† I fell into the satin darkness with a smile on my face as his breath mingled with mine. There was a tunnel or maybe a cave. Dark, not a flicker of light to stay away from – or perhaps run to. But the darkness was peaceful. There was no one there but me. No Jimmy, no family, but the best part †¦ no Hector. I went down that tunnel gladly and fell off the edge of the world. The next instant, or so it seemed, I jerked awake. I was alone, and the gray light of dawn shivered on the horizon. I looked down. I was still me. No fangs, no fur. It was a good day. A soft footfall drew my attention to the door. Damien stood in the entryway, barefoot, tousled, his chin shadowed, skin pale. For an instant I wondered what had happened to the good doctor; then I realized I didn’t care. Damien was here. He was the only one I wanted to see right now. â€Å"Did you sleep?† I asked. â€Å"Of course not.† â€Å"Wanna come to bed?† His eyes widened. His mouth opened, then shut. He shrugged. â€Å"Untie me.† â€Å"Leigh – † he began. â€Å"Do it, Damien. I won’t bite.† I let a slow smile spread across my face. â€Å"Unless you want me to.† He crossed the room, stood over the bed, staring down at me. Suddenly I was embarrassed. Wanting him at a time like this – what was the matter with me? â€Å"You don’t have to untie me,† I muttered. â€Å"Maybe you shouldn’t.† â€Å"We can’t – â€Å" â€Å"We can. I think we’ve proved that quite a few times.† â€Å"But we’ve never†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was having a helluva time articulating this morning. â€Å"Are you trying to say that we’ve never been together when I knew what you were and I knew that you knew what I was?† He gave a half-laugh. â€Å"Something like that.† â€Å"Why do you think I want us to be together now?† He lifted his eyes. There was that hope again. â€Å"Why?† he whispered. I’d awoken this morning a human being. No tail, no snout, no savage bloodlust. Maybe, one day, Damien would, too. And if he could, then we might have a future. All I had to do was kill the demon who wanted to mate with me beneath the full moon. My life – what can I say? – it wasn’t for sissies. â€Å"Why?† I repeated. â€Å"Because I love you.† I hadn’t planned to say that. What if I had to shoot him? But what if he died – what if I did – before I told him the truth? At least Jimmy had known how I felt and he’d died without discovering how I’d betrayed him. I pushed away the thought. I needed to let the past go and focus on the future. I’d been close to death and worse last night. Every day from now on was a gift. Dwelling on what I’d done, punishing myself with it, was getting me nowhere. I needed to live or get out of the game. With Damien in my life, I knew which one I would choose. He knelt by the bed. His clever fingers released the knots. My hands went around his neck and pulled him close. â€Å"Tell me again,† he demanded. â€Å"I love you.† Our lips met and I forgot everything but him. There was no one, nothing, else. No werewolves, no demons, no power eaters. Just Damien and me – until Edward walked in. I had my tongue down Damien’s throat; he had his hand up my shirt. A gasp from the doorway made us freeze. I glanced past Damien’s shoulder and met the shocked eyes of the man who’d saved, then given me back, my life. â€Å"You have lost your mind.† Damien yanked his hand out of my shirt and tried to pull away. I held on, kissed his cheek, smoothed his hair, then let him go. â€Å"Maybe.† Standing, I crossed the room and stopped right in front of Edward. â€Å"But it’s my mind.† â€Å"I see now why you didn’t want him dead.† He shook his head. â€Å"I thought better of you, Leigh.† I frowned. â€Å"What’s that supposed to mean?† â€Å"Werewolves are†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He seemed to struggle for the words. â€Å"Accomplished at the physical.† â€Å"Is that your way of saying they’re great in the sack?† He winced. â€Å"If you must. They are carnal creatures. Their senses are heightened. They have lived long enough to learn many things.† I glanced at Damien. He shrugged. What could he say? He knew how to make me scream. Let’s shoot him. â€Å"I should have warned you of their allure. But I thought after Hector you would understand.† â€Å"Leave Hector out of this. They’re nothing alike.† â€Å"No? Did they not both seduce you while in human form? Hector killed everyone you ever loved in order to have you. How do you know this animal will not do the same?† â€Å"Because he won’t.† The excuse sounded lame, even to my own ears. Edward actually laughed in my face. â€Å"If you needed a boyfriend, why not pick one with the same interests as you?† â€Å"I did. He’s been killing werewolves for months.† â€Å"So he says.† â€Å"So I’ve seen. Tell him, Damien. Tell him what you told me about the magic woman in Arkansas.† Edward stopped laughing. His faded blue eyes sharpened. â€Å"What is this?† Quickly Damien told him his story. I give Edward credit: he listened. He no longer laughed, so I pressed the advantage. â€Å"He was with you last night. Did he kill anyone?† The two of them exchanged glances. â€Å"What?† I demanded. Edward cleared his throat. â€Å"You’ve been asleep longer than one night.† â€Å"How long?† â€Å"The hunter’s moon is tonight,† Damien told me. I let that sink in. Well, at least I wouldn’t have to wait around to find out if my life was over or just begun. I scowled at Edward. â€Å"That just makes my point stronger. What true werewolf could hold back from killing this close to a full moon?† â€Å"That is true,† Edward murmured. â€Å"I’d hoped he would lose his patience so I could – † He broke off. â€Å"No wonder you were so agreeable. You thought he’d be unable to resist all that tender meat. Then you could kill him.† Edward shrugged, unrepentant. â€Å"But he didn’t.† â€Å"No, he did not.† Edward stared at Damien as if he were a bug under a microscope. â€Å"Maybe what has happened to him could be of help to Elise.† â€Å"Maybe. If you don’t shoot him.† â€Å"Fine. He lives. For now. But please refrain from sucking face around me. It makes me ill.† â€Å"Sucking face?† Damien asked. â€Å"He hears things on television.† I shrugged. â€Å"He’s still lost in the forties.† â€Å"Me, too.† It hit me then that Edward and Damien were compatriots. They would be of an age if Damien hadn’t become a werewolf. Still, I doubted they’d embrace and become best friends – even if Elise’s serum was a success. â€Å"When will Elise test the cure on Damien?† I asked. â€Å"When she returns from the lab with more.† I frowned. â€Å"She’s gone?† â€Å"As soon as she knew you were all right, she left for Montana to make more serum and†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He hesitated. â€Å"There are some other issues she must deal with at headquarters. She will return after the hunter’s moon.† Footsteps pounded outside. Jessie and Will spilled into the room. â€Å"We figured out how to get Hector,† Jessie said. Will’s glasses were crooked, his hair all mussed. It appeared that he and Jessie had been sucking face, too. â€Å"He doesn’t know about the serum.† The light dawned. â€Å"He thinks I’ll change. He’ll be coming after me.† â€Å"No, Leigh,† Damien said. â€Å"He’s dangerous.† My eyes met his. â€Å"He’ll be coming after you, too. You’re the sacrifice.† Our eyes met. We had to do this together if we wanted any kind of future. Damien took my hand. He’d be right next to me tonight. Suddenly I felt as if I could accomplish anything. I doubted the feeling would last. You’d think we’d have all sorts of preparations to make, but since we were basically going to let Hector get away with it, our business was to wait. Not my strong suit. â€Å"You cannot go out and about today, Leigh,† Edward warned. â€Å"Hector could be anywhere. He could be anyone.† â€Å"I thought we wanted him to snatch me.† â€Å"We do not want him to know you have been cured. What would you do if you had been bitten, then changed?† â€Å"Kill myself.† â€Å"Besides that?† Jessie asked. â€Å"How should I know?† Everyone glanced toward Damien, who shrugged. â€Å"You wouldn’t kill yourself, Leigh. Not once you’d changed. Then you’d be different. You’d no longer be like you; you’d be like him.† Swell. â€Å"What did you do? That first time?† â€Å"Went mad in the woods. Munched on Nazis. A few Allies, too. It was a werewolf buffet over there.† â€Å"The good old days,† Jessie muttered. I shot her a warning glare. Damien was trying to help us. She needed to let him. â€Å"He was in the war?† Edward glanced in my direction. Why he couldn’t just ask Damien the question I have no idea. Except he wasn’t used to conversing with werewolves – only killing them. â€Å"He was bitten after the invasion,† I explained. â€Å"He was a soldier.† â€Å"Bitten by one of Mengele’s wolves.† â€Å"Looks that way.† Edward sighed. He still felt guilty that he’d been unable to prevent the release of the monsters in the Black Forest. He’d dedicated his life to righting what he considered his greatest wrong. I returned my attention to Damien. â€Å"What did you do in the days after you’d shifted the first time?† â€Å"Slept. The physical changes take some getting used to.† â€Å"Sleeping sounds good.† Even though I’d slept most of the night, I was exhausted. â€Å"Then you will sleep,† Edward ordered. â€Å"The rest of us will watch.† â€Å"Like hell.† â€Å"I didn’t mean watch you sleep. I meant watch this place.† â€Å"You don’t think Hector will be watching us, too? Or one of his wolf boys?† â€Å"I know how to watch a residence, Leigh. I am not completely senile. Yet.† I had a thought – one I should have had before, but I’d been a little busy. â€Å"Did Cora have any fascinating ideas on how to kill Hector?† Jessie and Will shook their heads. â€Å"Nothing more than what she told us the first time.† â€Å"Terrific.† â€Å"I have an idea,† Will said. â€Å"I’m glad someone does.† â€Å"Often doing the opposite of a ritual will reverse the outcome.† â€Å"English, Slick.† He blinked and adjusted his glasses. â€Å"I thought that was.† â€Å"Do you have any idea what he was talking about?† Jessie asked. I shrugged. â€Å"If the ritual is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Was he blushing? I kind of thought so. â€Å"The ritual is doing me under the hunter’s moon in front of all the other wolves.† â€Å"Right. So not doing you will keep him from becoming all-powerful.† â€Å"That works well for me. But how do we kill the son of a bitch?† â€Å"He became a Weendigo by killing, then eating the flesh of his enemy. Reverse it.† I thought about what he’d said. â€Å"His enemy kills, then eats him?† â€Å"Can’t hurt.† Yes, it could. Because Hector’s enemy was me. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37, Essay examples

Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37 Free Essays

Edward’s gun was pressed to Damien’s head the next instant. â€Å"No!† I shouted, tugging at the ropes. â€Å"Edward, you promised me you’d take care of him. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37 or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Edward frowned, confused. â€Å"I am taking care of him.† â€Å"You know I didn’t mean for you to kill him.† â€Å"I do?† The room was suddenly pandemonium, everyone talking at once. In the midst of everything, Damien’s eyes met mine. I saw no one but him. He’d revealed himself for me. Knowing Edward, he would die for it. â€Å"Silence,† Elise snapped. Amazingly, everyone complied. â€Å"I don’t need the blood of a live werewolf in human form right now.† She lifted her hand out of the bag. Her fingers held a full syringe. â€Å"I already have it.† â€Å"Oops,† Damien murmured. â€Å"Yes.† Edward shoved the gun into Damien’s ear. â€Å"Oops.† â€Å"Take it outside,† Elise ordered. â€Å"No.† I struggled, again to no avail. â€Å"Don’t hurt him. He’s not what you think.† â€Å"Not the fanged and furry?† Jessie asked. â€Å"What exactly does werewolf mean, Leigh?† â€Å"He’s different.† â€Å"That is what they all say,† Edward murmured. â€Å"Why don’t you tell us what you’re talking about?† This was Will, a voice of reason always. Despite his Forrest Gump manner, he was starting to grow on me. â€Å"The brown wolf,† I blurted. â€Å"The one that was killing the others but not eating them.† â€Å"You?† Jessie asked Damien. He tried to nod, but it was a little hard with a gun in his ear. â€Å"Him,† I confirmed. â€Å"He’s been helping us.† â€Å"No, he’s been helping Hector.† Jessie drew her weapon. â€Å"He didn’t know about the legend.† Jessie rolled her eyes. â€Å"Are you that naive?† My body stiffened as if I’d been hit with a cattle prod. Every muscle, every joint, tightened in agony. My eyes bugged. I saw the moon, felt its sheen on my skin like a caress. Then it was gone, and I lay there panting, aching, bleeding, but there was no blood. â€Å"I’d like to inject this before the first change,† Elise said. â€Å"Upsetting her is only making that happen more quickly. Perhaps we could let him live until I’m done here?† â€Å"Fine, whatever.† Jessie put up her gun. â€Å"Edward?† Elise murmured. Edward’s gaze flicked toward her, then away. â€Å"I will not shoot him. Unless he makes me. But I will not put away my weapon.† He removed the gun from Damien’s ear – barely. With Edward, that was the best I could hope for. The fit, or whatever it had been, passed. I was covered with sweat. My skin seemed too small, the hair on my arms too big. My scalp tingled, as did the base of my spine. Hell, I was probably sprouting a tail. â€Å"Get on with it,† I ordered. Elise stuck me. Frowning, she depressed the syringe and shot every last drop into my vein. She pulled the needle out, pressed a cotton pad to the prick, lifted it, scowled. â€Å"No blood,† she murmured. â€Å"The wound healed already.† â€Å"Is that good or bad?† â€Å"I have no idea.† Oh, yeah, I was the guinea pig. I waited for†¦ something. What I got was nothing at all. Everyone stared at me. I stared back. We waited for what seemed like forever but was probably only an hour. â€Å"How do you feel, Leigh?† Elise asked for the fifth time. â€Å"Fine,† I repeated. â€Å"Any strange visions, odd pains?† â€Å"Not anymore.† â€Å"I’ll stay with her,† she said. â€Å"No,† Edward stated, gun still pointed at Damien. â€Å"If she hasn’t changed by morning, the serum works. There’s no reason for all of us to stay here. Don’t you have something to do?† Edward glanced at Damien. â€Å"Why, yes, I do.† â€Å"No!† I said. â€Å"If the serum works, we can use it on him.† Damien blinked. His eyes met mine; something flickered in the gray-green depths. I think it was hope. â€Å"She’s right,† Elise murmured. Edward scowled, but he lowered his gun. â€Å"Do not make me come after you. You will not like what happens then.† â€Å"I’m not leaving Leigh. Ever.† â€Å"If the serum does not work, I will kill you.† â€Å"If the serum doesn’t work, I’ll let you.† The world receded, but at least I didn’t smell the forest, hear the trees, feel the wind. I didn’t taste blood; I didn’t even want to. I had to sleep. But before I did, just in case I never woke up, I wanted one last kiss. â€Å"Damien,† I whispered. He knelt by the bed. His fingertips brushed my hand. I turned my face, and his mouth was there. How had he known what I wanted without my saying a word? The kiss was gentle, sweet, everything I could ask for in a final embrace. His tongue tasted of mint – fresh and clean, new. He nibbled my lower lip, rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone. â€Å"Reverse Sleeping Beauty complex,† Jessie muttered. â€Å"His kiss puts her to sleep.† I fell into the satin darkness with a smile on my face as his breath mingled with mine. There was a tunnel or maybe a cave. Dark, not a flicker of light to stay away from – or perhaps run to. But the darkness was peaceful. There was no one there but me. No Jimmy, no family, but the best part †¦ no Hector. I went down that tunnel gladly and fell off the edge of the world. The next instant, or so it seemed, I jerked awake. I was alone, and the gray light of dawn shivered on the horizon. I looked down. I was still me. No fangs, no fur. It was a good day. A soft footfall drew my attention to the door. Damien stood in the entryway, barefoot, tousled, his chin shadowed, skin pale. For an instant I wondered what had happened to the good doctor; then I realized I didn’t care. Damien was here. He was the only one I wanted to see right now. â€Å"Did you sleep?† I asked. â€Å"Of course not.† â€Å"Wanna come to bed?† His eyes widened. His mouth opened, then shut. He shrugged. â€Å"Untie me.† â€Å"Leigh – † he began. â€Å"Do it, Damien. I won’t bite.† I let a slow smile spread across my face. â€Å"Unless you want me to.† He crossed the room, stood over the bed, staring down at me. Suddenly I was embarrassed. Wanting him at a time like this – what was the matter with me? â€Å"You don’t have to untie me,† I muttered. â€Å"Maybe you shouldn’t.† â€Å"We can’t – â€Å" â€Å"We can. I think we’ve proved that quite a few times.† â€Å"But we’ve never†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was having a helluva time articulating this morning. â€Å"Are you trying to say that we’ve never been together when I knew what you were and I knew that you knew what I was?† He gave a half-laugh. â€Å"Something like that.† â€Å"Why do you think I want us to be together now?† He lifted his eyes. There was that hope again. â€Å"Why?† he whispered. I’d awoken this morning a human being. No tail, no snout, no savage bloodlust. Maybe, one day, Damien would, too. And if he could, then we might have a future. All I had to do was kill the demon who wanted to mate with me beneath the full moon. My life – what can I say? – it wasn’t for sissies. â€Å"Why?† I repeated. â€Å"Because I love you.† I hadn’t planned to say that. What if I had to shoot him? But what if he died – what if I did – before I told him the truth? At least Jimmy had known how I felt and he’d died without discovering how I’d betrayed him. I pushed away the thought. I needed to let the past go and focus on the future. I’d been close to death and worse last night. Every day from now on was a gift. Dwelling on what I’d done, punishing myself with it, was getting me nowhere. I needed to live or get out of the game. With Damien in my life, I knew which one I would choose. He knelt by the bed. His clever fingers released the knots. My hands went around his neck and pulled him close. â€Å"Tell me again,† he demanded. â€Å"I love you.† Our lips met and I forgot everything but him. There was no one, nothing, else. No werewolves, no demons, no power eaters. Just Damien and me – until Edward walked in. I had my tongue down Damien’s throat; he had his hand up my shirt. A gasp from the doorway made us freeze. I glanced past Damien’s shoulder and met the shocked eyes of the man who’d saved, then given me back, my life. â€Å"You have lost your mind.† Damien yanked his hand out of my shirt and tried to pull away. I held on, kissed his cheek, smoothed his hair, then let him go. â€Å"Maybe.† Standing, I crossed the room and stopped right in front of Edward. â€Å"But it’s my mind.† â€Å"I see now why you didn’t want him dead.† He shook his head. â€Å"I thought better of you, Leigh.† I frowned. â€Å"What’s that supposed to mean?† â€Å"Werewolves are†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He seemed to struggle for the words. â€Å"Accomplished at the physical.† â€Å"Is that your way of saying they’re great in the sack?† He winced. â€Å"If you must. They are carnal creatures. Their senses are heightened. They have lived long enough to learn many things.† I glanced at Damien. He shrugged. What could he say? He knew how to make me scream. Let’s shoot him. â€Å"I should have warned you of their allure. But I thought after Hector you would understand.† â€Å"Leave Hector out of this. They’re nothing alike.† â€Å"No? Did they not both seduce you while in human form? Hector killed everyone you ever loved in order to have you. How do you know this animal will not do the same?† â€Å"Because he won’t.† The excuse sounded lame, even to my own ears. Edward actually laughed in my face. â€Å"If you needed a boyfriend, why not pick one with the same interests as you?† â€Å"I did. He’s been killing werewolves for months.† â€Å"So he says.† â€Å"So I’ve seen. Tell him, Damien. Tell him what you told me about the magic woman in Arkansas.† Edward stopped laughing. His faded blue eyes sharpened. â€Å"What is this?† Quickly Damien told him his story. I give Edward credit: he listened. He no longer laughed, so I pressed the advantage. â€Å"He was with you last night. Did he kill anyone?† The two of them exchanged glances. â€Å"What?† I demanded. Edward cleared his throat. â€Å"You’ve been asleep longer than one night.† â€Å"How long?† â€Å"The hunter’s moon is tonight,† Damien told me. I let that sink in. Well, at least I wouldn’t have to wait around to find out if my life was over or just begun. I scowled at Edward. â€Å"That just makes my point stronger. What true werewolf could hold back from killing this close to a full moon?† â€Å"That is true,† Edward murmured. â€Å"I’d hoped he would lose his patience so I could – † He broke off. â€Å"No wonder you were so agreeable. You thought he’d be unable to resist all that tender meat. Then you could kill him.† Edward shrugged, unrepentant. â€Å"But he didn’t.† â€Å"No, he did not.† Edward stared at Damien as if he were a bug under a microscope. â€Å"Maybe what has happened to him could be of help to Elise.† â€Å"Maybe. If you don’t shoot him.† â€Å"Fine. He lives. For now. But please refrain from sucking face around me. It makes me ill.† â€Å"Sucking face?† Damien asked. â€Å"He hears things on television.† I shrugged. â€Å"He’s still lost in the forties.† â€Å"Me, too.† It hit me then that Edward and Damien were compatriots. They would be of an age if Damien hadn’t become a werewolf. Still, I doubted they’d embrace and become best friends – even if Elise’s serum was a success. â€Å"When will Elise test the cure on Damien?† I asked. â€Å"When she returns from the lab with more.† I frowned. â€Å"She’s gone?† â€Å"As soon as she knew you were all right, she left for Montana to make more serum and†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He hesitated. â€Å"There are some other issues she must deal with at headquarters. She will return after the hunter’s moon.† Footsteps pounded outside. Jessie and Will spilled into the room. â€Å"We figured out how to get Hector,† Jessie said. Will’s glasses were crooked, his hair all mussed. It appeared that he and Jessie had been sucking face, too. â€Å"He doesn’t know about the serum.† The light dawned. â€Å"He thinks I’ll change. He’ll be coming after me.† â€Å"No, Leigh,† Damien said. â€Å"He’s dangerous.† My eyes met his. â€Å"He’ll be coming after you, too. You’re the sacrifice.† Our eyes met. We had to do this together if we wanted any kind of future. Damien took my hand. He’d be right next to me tonight. Suddenly I felt as if I could accomplish anything. I doubted the feeling would last. You’d think we’d have all sorts of preparations to make, but since we were basically going to let Hector get away with it, our business was to wait. Not my strong suit. â€Å"You cannot go out and about today, Leigh,† Edward warned. â€Å"Hector could be anywhere. He could be anyone.† â€Å"I thought we wanted him to snatch me.† â€Å"We do not want him to know you have been cured. What would you do if you had been bitten, then changed?† â€Å"Kill myself.† â€Å"Besides that?† Jessie asked. â€Å"How should I know?† Everyone glanced toward Damien, who shrugged. â€Å"You wouldn’t kill yourself, Leigh. Not once you’d changed. Then you’d be different. You’d no longer be like you; you’d be like him.† Swell. â€Å"What did you do? That first time?† â€Å"Went mad in the woods. Munched on Nazis. A few Allies, too. It was a werewolf buffet over there.† â€Å"The good old days,† Jessie muttered. I shot her a warning glare. Damien was trying to help us. She needed to let him. â€Å"He was in the war?† Edward glanced in my direction. Why he couldn’t just ask Damien the question I have no idea. Except he wasn’t used to conversing with werewolves – only killing them. â€Å"He was bitten after the invasion,† I explained. â€Å"He was a soldier.† â€Å"Bitten by one of Mengele’s wolves.† â€Å"Looks that way.† Edward sighed. He still felt guilty that he’d been unable to prevent the release of the monsters in the Black Forest. He’d dedicated his life to righting what he considered his greatest wrong. I returned my attention to Damien. â€Å"What did you do in the days after you’d shifted the first time?† â€Å"Slept. The physical changes take some getting used to.† â€Å"Sleeping sounds good.† Even though I’d slept most of the night, I was exhausted. â€Å"Then you will sleep,† Edward ordered. â€Å"The rest of us will watch.† â€Å"Like hell.† â€Å"I didn’t mean watch you sleep. I meant watch this place.† â€Å"You don’t think Hector will be watching us, too? Or one of his wolf boys?† â€Å"I know how to watch a residence, Leigh. I am not completely senile. Yet.† I had a thought – one I should have had before, but I’d been a little busy. â€Å"Did Cora have any fascinating ideas on how to kill Hector?† Jessie and Will shook their heads. â€Å"Nothing more than what she told us the first time.† â€Å"Terrific.† â€Å"I have an idea,† Will said. â€Å"I’m glad someone does.† â€Å"Often doing the opposite of a ritual will reverse the outcome.† â€Å"English, Slick.† He blinked and adjusted his glasses. â€Å"I thought that was.† â€Å"Do you have any idea what he was talking about?† Jessie asked. I shrugged. â€Å"If the ritual is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Was he blushing? I kind of thought so. â€Å"The ritual is doing me under the hunter’s moon in front of all the other wolves.† â€Å"Right. So not doing you will keep him from becoming all-powerful.† â€Å"That works well for me. But how do we kill the son of a bitch?† â€Å"He became a Weendigo by killing, then eating the flesh of his enemy. Reverse it.† I thought about what he’d said. â€Å"His enemy kills, then eats him?† â€Å"Can’t hurt.† Yes, it could. Because Hector’s enemy was me. How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 37, Essay examples