Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Diagnostic Imaging Essays

Diagnostic Imaging Essays Diagnostic Imaging Essay Diagnostic Imaging Essay Diagnostic Imaging: X-Ray Diagnostic Imaging is medical tools used by doctors to see inside our bodies without actually opening the body. Diagnostic imaging can involve the use of radiation which could be dangerous if exposed to large amounts of. Diagnostic imaging allows doctors to find tumors, broken bones, pneumonia, etc. In general, diagnostic imaging is very helpful. X-Rays: This was one of the first types of diagnostic imaging. It uses radiation called Electromagnetic Waves. These images appear in black and white. The calcium found in the bones absorb the radiation, which makes our bones glow white on the x-rays. The person who is getting the x-ray wears an apron that covers certain parts to protect the patient from the radiation. The person doing the x-ray also puts on an apron to protect them as well. X-Rays can also be dangerous because of the amount of radiation that is being exposed to the patient. The x-ray machine is finally placed on the place on the spot where it is needed and is turned on for a brief moment to capture the picture. You are required to hold your breath Just for a small amount of time to not mess up the scan. MRI scans: Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI, is a type of diagnostic imaging that shows mages of the organs and structures inside your body. Doctors use MRIs for multiple uses such as location tumors or seeing torn ligaments. A MRI is a painless procedure, but it also takes a good amount of time to complete. Patients are placed into a tunnel like machine. Patients are also required to remove all metals on them and to notify the doctors if they have metal inside their skin or body. If not the metals will be pulled off from you and your body. Also they also have inform doctors if the patient is pregnant. Once the MRI has begun, the patient has to remain still. Also the machine s a bit loud so doctors offer the patients earplugs. CT scans: Computed Tomography or CT, is like a type of x-ray but the process is different. It takes pictures of bones, but it also takes images of blood clots, cancer, internal bleeding and signs of heart disease. No special equipment is required to be worn for a CT scan. A patient is lying down on a table during a CT scan and it moves the patient to the center of the X-Ray machine. Before the procedure begins, the patient is given contrast dye so the body parts will appear in the image. These are also more expensive than X-Rays. Nuclear Medicine: Nuclear Medicine also uses radiation. They determine the location and severity of the illness instead of developing images of the skeletal structure. These illnesses include heart disease, cancer, etc. Because it has the involvement of radiation, the patient is required to wear protective vests and inform the doctor performing the procedure if they are currently pregnant. Patients are also required to remove all jewelry during the procedure. Ultrasounds: Ultrasound is a type of imaging that uses high-frequency sound waves to look at the structures of the human body and organs. They are commonly used to view idneys, livers, vessels, hearts and other organs. Ultrasounds are also used on women expecting a baby to view the fetus. Ultrasounds are safe and d o not use radiation making it one of the safer diagnostic imagines. A gel like substance is placed on the place where the ultrasound is going to be used and a transducer is used. This transducer sends out a sound wave and then it is bounced back to display an image. Procedure on giving a chest x-ray to find pneumonia: Pneumonia can be hard to diagnose because it may seem like a cold or a flu. You may not notice its more serious until it lasts longer. If your doctor thinks you have pneumonia, he may recommend you do a chest x-ray. This is a painless test that creates pictures of the structures inside your chest, such as your heart, lungs and blood vessels. The patient is required to take off any Jewelry and to put on an apron to not be exposed to harmful radiation. Then the patient is to stand in front of the x- ray to begin the process. The patient will be asked to stand still and to hold their breath for a short period of time, while the x-ray is processing the image. The doctor will now be able to tell if the patient has pneumonia based on the patients lungs.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Deportacin y su procedimiento, causas y perdn

Deportacin y su procedimiento, causas y perdn La deportacià ³n puede afectar a cualquier migrante, indocumentado o legal, e incluso a residentes permanentes legales titulares de una green card. Las causas de deportacià ³n son muy variadas, pudiendo ir desde la presencia ilegal a la comisià ³n de delitos inmorales o agravados.   En cuanto al tiempo que dura todo el proceso puede ser largo, para empezar por las demoras para presentarse en Corte.   Procedimiento de la deportacià ³n en Estados Unidos La deportacià ³n judicial, ordenada por un juez o corte. No confundir con expulsià ³n inmediata ni tampoco con la remocià ³n ordenada por el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Se aplica un tipo de procedimiento u otro segà ºn la naturaleza de la infraccià ³n y de la situacià ³n migratoria de quien la cometa. La deportacià ³n la dicta un juez de una corte migratoria o, si se apela su decisià ³n, entonces es la orden que dicta el BIA, es decir, el tribunal de apelaciones. Es fundamental entender cul es el cargo que se imputa al migrante, buscar un buen abogado, arreglar las actividades diarias para presentarse en corte el dà ­a de la cita y analizar cules son las opciones legales para luchar contra la deportacià ³n. Suspensià ³n deportacià ³n por perdà ³n, asilo, ajuste de estatus o violencia domà ©stica Para poder solicitar y obtener un alivio de la deportacià ³n, deben reunirse una serie de requisitos que varà ­an segà ºn el estatus legal del extranjero. En ningà ºn caso podr ser solicitado por aquellas personas que hayan sido condenadas por un delito agravado (aggravated felony en inglà ©s). Una de las opciones es obtener un  perdà ³n o alivio  que es concedido por un juez, segà ºn su mejor opinià ³n. En cada aà ±o fiscal se pueden conceder hasta un mximo de  4,000 perdones. Tambià ©n es posible suspender la orden de deportacià ³n por ajuste de estatus, asilo o violencia domà ©stica. De hecho, hay hasta nueve recursos legales para luchar la deportacià ³n. En estos casos es muy aconsejable contar con un buen abogado especialista en inmigracià ³n o con un representante acreditado con competencia para llevar el caso. Consecuencias de la deportacià ³n en Estados Unidos La persona deportada no podr regresar a Estados Unidos por un periodo de tiempo que va desde los diez aà ±os  a una prohibicià ³n de por vida para los casos de deportados por haber cometido un delito agravado. Sin embargo, la ley prevà © la posibilidad de solicitar una excepcià ³n waiver, que permita la reentrada antes de cumplirse el tiempo de castigo impuesto. Estos son los posibles perdones que se pueden solicitar, ya que es posible que adems del perdà ³n por la deportacià ³n sea necesario pedir por otras penalidades.   Pero antes de tomar ninguna decisià ³n se debe tener en cuenta si podrà ­a aplicar la proteccià ³n 245(i) para migrantes con peticiones antiguas aprobadas. Si se tiene una orden de deportacià ³n que no se apela o ya se han agotado todas las opciones de lucharla es posible pedir en determinadas circunstancias un aplazamiento o suspensià ³n temporal de la ejecucià ³n de la deportacià ³n. Es lo que se conoce como stay. Salida voluntaria y deportacià ³n: cosas diferentes Puede ser solicitada en determinados casos -est prohibida para los condenados de delitos graves y por actividades terroristas. Si es concedida, el extranjero no tendr prohibida la reentrada a EEUU por ningà ºn periodo de tiempo. Es decir, la salida voluntaria no lleva aparejada la penalidad de aà ±os sin ingresar a Estados Unidos que sà ­ aplica con la deportacià ³n. Bastar con que cumpla los requisitos generales de admisibilidad en la frontera. En este caso, la persona extranjera debe salir del paà ­s dentro del plazo concedido. Si no lo hace podr ser multado y deportado. Consejos para evitar ms problemas Cuando se inicia un proceso de deportacià ³n la mejor opcià ³n es buscar un abogado migratorio y ver cules son todas las opciones para intentar ganar el caso. Es fundamental entender que no presentarse a una cita en corte dar lugar a que el juez dice una orden de deportacià ³n que se conoce como in absentia. Esto quiere decir que el migrante puede ser deportado en cualquier momento, sin derecho a presentarse ante un juez. NOTA: este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emotional Letdown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Emotional Letdown - Essay Example Dunn (n.d) points out that, there is a middle space that acts like an equilibrium in such a way that, when the emotions are high, then there will be a time they will be pulled down to settle into this space. In other words, the feeling of emotional letdown results from the process of trying to settle to the original situation. In some situations, the problem arises from lack of an alternative goal to pursue or lack of proper fall back plan leading to a worrying kind of situation. For instance, several days after celebrating the attainment of the degree, the graduate starts to feel the challenge of adjusting to the new environment and may start worrying about how to secure employment. The emotional letdown may sometimes result to serious problems like depression if not checked and corrected within a reasonable time. Some symptoms of emotional letdown are a feeling of anxiety or frequent feeling of fear or panic, sometimes for no apparent reason. In some cases, a person may feel hopeless, withdrawn and uninterested in anything, or may even have sleeplessness and lack of appetite; these lead to depression. Moreover, a person may experience frequent flashbacks on events that happened during high times leading to stress and sometimes, the person may engage in alcohol and drugs abuse. When these symptoms persist, then professional attention becomes the only way out. The first step towards moving out of emotional letdown is accepting the situation, and then engaging in a different activity like exercising/fitness even if it seems a tall order, in order to eliminate the negative emotions from the mind (Dunn n.d). Doing a new thing like reading motivational books, enrolling in community activities, joining a college, starting an intellectual project at home, and sporting are important in transforming the negative emotion. In some situations, one should establish a new goal and focus his/her efforts on

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Memorandum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Memorandum - Research Paper Example Companies throughout U.S are found to be very somber about this matter, as the principle of â€Å"the customer is always right† has tremendous magnitude. Right through from the different companies that represent combined GDP of the country; from large scale business to small, most of the structures run under certain elements. They are more than just a humble handshake or an enthusiastic welcome; the norms are important to be followed from the start to the execution of the final deal (Martin and Lillian 49). Business in the United States is discussed in different styles. The social custom of the entire country encourages semi formal representation and to the point talk. Businessmen from small scale to large scale usually meet up at restaurants or cafà ©s to discuss business. Offices are usually directly related to work at the final business ventures but building the confidence requires humble and semi formal approach. It is very socially acceptable and widely practiced. Sending gifts to the business clients is not highly encouraged as and is only limited to very few companies. Only a ‘Thank You’ note is considered to do the job better as it is not costly and are positively perceived (Cavusgil, Ghauri and Ackol 75). While socially influencing the level of eye contact is very important, as the gain confidence of the business party, it is vital to create the sense of understanding and commitment through one’s body language. Business cards are usually exchanged for being in touch, the appropriate time for that is by the end of the conversation or the meeting. It is always important to smile and be confident, the tone of the speaker has to be motivating enough to get the other party interested. Finding humor in business is suggested but is usually not recommended depending on the nature of the work (Shaw 60). Business in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Road Not Taken Essay Example for Free

The Road Not Taken Essay Every adult faces challenges and life-altering decisions. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost this dilemma is brought to life. The character in the poem has free will to choose whichever path he wants. He is completely unaware of what his choice will bring but he leaves it to chance. He knows he has to make a choice and that it is impossible to know whether or not it is the right choice. He knows that no matter what his choice is he will always wonder what his life would have been like had he chosen the other path. In reality there is no right or wrong path. There are only decisions and outcomes. The theme of decision making in this poem takes a â€Å"seize the day† approach. No matter the outcome the traveler knows he still must make a decision and make the best of it. The setting of the poem takes place in the woods. The character is standing there studying a forked path. It is ironic that both paths are seemingly the same, they are both intriguing to the traveler and he wishes that he could travel them both. The forked path is symbolic of life and all of its many choices that must be made. Just as the character is unaware of what his choice may bring, outcomes of adult choices do not always turn out as expected. The title of the poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is significant. The poem is named after the path that was ultimately not chosen, leaving the reader to believe to think it was written with regret. In stanza 4 the regret is brought to light with a metrical device. â€Å"Sigh† is an onomatopoeia that emphasizes the characters regret or relief. That one word makes the reader want to go back and reread the poem to make sure the theme is understood. The traveler is either regretting his decision that he made or he is relieved that he made the best choice for himself. It is left up to the reader’s interpretation to discover what the poet was trying to say. Some other metrical devices used are imagery, symbolism, personification, rhyming, alliteration, and allegory. The reader is presented with imagery in â€Å"two roads diverged in a yellow wood† and again in â€Å"And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black†. This gives the reader something to visualize. Personification is used in â€Å"because it was grassy and wanted wear. † A road cannot produce a feeling to want wear. The rhyme scheme of ABAAB in this poem produces interest and makes for an entertaining read. Alliteration is used when the poet writes â€Å"wanted wear†. Allegory presents itself when the poet writes about the two paths when his ulterior message is about choices. All of the devices used in the poem support the poets overall theme. Out of all of the â€Å"roads† faced in life the roads not chosen to take have just as much impact as the roads that are chosen. There is no way of knowing the outcome of a decision unless you make the decision and see what happens. You may be happy with that choice, or you may sigh and wish you had made a different choice. Some of the choices you make are final, the poet makes light of this when he writes â€Å"I doubted if I should ever come back†. It is as if he knows that he will not ever be returning to â€Å"The Path Not Taken†. The poet allows the reader to come to their own imaginations, ideas, and outcomes in this poem. This is a poem that can be interpreted many different ways.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Being The One Who Cares: A Good Teacher Essay -- essays research paper

Being The One Who Cares: A Good Teacher   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to be a good teacher I feel that one needs to be open and understanding of different events that might take place in the classroom. Students today are not treated the same as they were during the beginning of education and we have a variety of students which attend our public schools. There are girls, blacks, whites, Hispanic, and Native Americans and a number of other different races participating in our classroom studies. This is a wonderful accomplishment in our society. The variety of backgrounds which are found in the classrooms gives our young students a better understanding of different races and nationalities. However, with growth there are always problems. Because there are students from different backgrounds, we must cater to all their needs. There may be students in our classroom with completely different religious beliefs or no beliefs at all. Teachers must understand each student and their personal beliefs to make their learning environment comfortable. Every aspect of our society has changed, we live in a more promiscuous society. Our children are having children. We as teachers must educate our student to the deadly effects of unprotected sex. I feel as teachers earn tenure, they are more likely to effect the students in a more personably manner. Having a stable and open classroom, I feel the students will learn more and be a respected citizen in our society. In this project I will discuss, prayer in the classroom, AIDS and tenure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prayer in school is a controversial issue that must be considered and dealt with as quickly as possible. All people should feel free to worship and have loyalties to whichever religion they choose. If no religion is chosen, then the feelings of the person should be considered as will. Everyone has an opinion on this subject, but everyones opinion should not become an issue. Rather, the opinion should be offered in order to be accepted or rejected by the individual. I feel that a time should be set aside during the day to allow for mediation or introspection. This time could be used by the students for thinking, prayer, meditation or for private reflection. Therefore, those who choose to participate can do so privately. Since it is a quiet time, no religion is stressed, so whichever seems to be more importa... ...find out that the students which I have taught remembered me for the excellent job I have done.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that the student teacher relationship is an important relationship. If the student respects the teacher they will receive the best education possible. If the communication is lost, some students may stray from the classroom activities and loose the sense of the nature of a good student.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If the teacher is a veteran teacher then the students are more likely to come to them regarding any problem. It may be a problem with their studies, a problem with another teacher, or even a domestic problem. Whatever it may be, we as teachers should act In Loco Parentis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I can relate to the problems in today's classroom. I feel its important for respected teachers to earn tenure, not only for themselves but for the students as well. Familiar teachers become the students friends, and topics such as sex, AIDS, teenage pregnancy and religion might not be so difficult to discuss. We need personal discussion in our classroom. What goes on inside the classroom directly affect what will happen inside the classroom.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

India I see in 2030 Essay

i think india in 2030 will be very popular place for its historical and mysterical things that can amze any scientist,historian,archeologist,geographers NEW DELHI: India will be world’s third largest economy by 2030 but its energy demand will slow down to 4.5 per cent, global energy giant BP plc (one of the world’s leading international oil and gas companies) said today. â€Å"By 2030 China and India will be the world’s largest and third largest economies and energy consumers, jointly accounting for about 35 per cent of global population, GDP and energy demand,† BP’s chief economist Christof Ruhl said releasing BP’s Energy Outlook 2030. There would be â€Å"no surge in energy demand as India industrialises. Demand growth slows to 4.5 per cent per annum (vs. 5.5 per cent p.a. in 1999-2010) as improvements in energy efficiency partly offset the energy needs of industrialisation and infrastructure expansion.† India’s dependence on imports to meet its gas needs will jump to 47 per cent by 2030 while the same for oil will grow to 91 per cent. The nation will be 40 per cent dependent on imports to meet its coal needs. He said India remains on a lower path of energy intensity; by 2030 it consumes only about half the energy that China consumes today, at a similar income per capita level as in China today. Over the next 20 years China and India combined account for all the net increase in global coal demand, 94 per cent of net oil demand growth, 30 per cent of gas, and 48 per cent of the net growth in non-fossil fuels. Coal remains the main commercial fuel, but its share falls from 70 per cent to 55 per cent in China as a result of maturing industrial structure, and from 53 per cent to 50 per cent in India due to domestic resource constraints. Oil’s share is flat at 18 per cent in China and falls to 26 per cent in  India, constrained by prices and growing import dependency. Gas gains market share along with nuclear and renewables in both countries, BP said. In India, the share of industry continues to grow, as infrastructure development catches up and manufacturing expands to absorb a growing labour force, but it never reaches the Chinese level. â€Å"India therefore remains significantly less energy intensive, with a relatively high share of the service sector in GDP.†

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Broad Scopes of Human Resources Literature Review

Staff Recruitment The author emphasizes the importance of recruiting experienced staff errors non experienced staff because less training requirements and funding will not apply to get the new staff aligned with company standards. The ability for well-developed recruiters to staff organizations with experienced staff will assist training resources in applying skills to newly hired professionals to transition at a quicker rate than less experienced professional.Recruitment is vital to the success or failure Of an organization because Of the major influence placed on selection process, identifying eligible candidates, and gaining a competitive advantage. Knowledgeable human resources staff has the responsibility for the acquirement process and should always be aware of crucial qualifications and specifications to determine staffing necessities. Recruitment of human resources also takes into account the analysis of the vacancies and projection of labor, because the basic result of these activities, description and the specifications for the job are essential in the recruitment process of the personnel†(Buses, 2009, p 108). Buses identifies the various positive sources of recruitment social media, newspapers, agencies, and references including internal and external used by human resources staff so the reader is not just soused on traditional methods of recruiting.Negative so races of recruitment such as stress testing, high pressure interviews, and case studies are identified as well as provide the equal balance of pros and cons of recruiting. There are numerous competencies linked to knowledge, skills, and abilities that human resources professionals must identify if candidates possess them to determine success in job performance. Four major competencies identified during the recruitment process are prior professional experience, long term success capabilities, behavioral events attached to leadership or management kills, and transitional knowledge.Human Res ources Sustainability Private and public restructuring during downsizing have happened to many organizations in earlier years and most recent times during economical downfalls. There is a great importance in human resource professionals to know how to respond during these times and having the knowledge of which staff to retain during downsizing. The article by Caudate, Jacks, & Savoir discuss the use of statistical analysis in collaboration with productivity to set the standards for productivity levels during restructuring.The study was inducted every month over a 30 month period to determine adequate parameters for estimating the restructure of the organization. â€Å"Our main objective is the organizational level of company sustainability and the fitting of corporate human resources to the real environment needs and capacities† (Caudate, Jacks, & Savoir, 201 2, p 308). The usage of the quantitative study displayed the adage Tate needs for staffing to decrease the need to ov er or under staff in private or public sector.An effective and efficient quantitative method of determining staffing needs was conducted by considering salary and monthly working hours. Previous data was gathered from job descriptions, organizational charts, salary reports, contingency planning, and performance reports to obtain information on restructuring. If employees are selected for downsizing the method used to determine their tenure with the organization is based on lowest proficiency in performance standards.Similar to the literature by Base, the authors for this article identified strengths, weaknesses, and limitations to the study that involved the same participants completing the study being the same individuals with the possibility of being selected as part of the restructure. Job Stresses, Job Performance, and Job Dedication As part of the human resources world there are three aspects that can either help or hurt the employee and have a downward spiral effect to the org anization when conscientiousness is considered.Job stresses are indicators that an employee may have emotional or physical symptoms that are linked to transactional theory. â€Å"According to the transactional theory of stress, people appraise important event they encounter in their daily life. At the primary appraisal, people categorically appraise an event as good or bad† (Lie, Lie, Mills, & Fan, 2013, p 338). Job performances are key roles identified by human resource professional that determine necessary skills for the employee to successfully complete their daily job functions. â€Å"Lupine et al. ‘s (2005) meta-analysis found that challenge factors (e. G. Role demands, time pressure, workload) were positively related to job performance whereas hindrance factors (e. G. ,constraints, hassles, interpersonal conflict) were negatively related to job performance† (Ill, Lie, Mills, & Fan, 201 338). According to Edwards, 2008 the P-Fit theory also suggests that con scientiousness moderates challenge stresses-?job performance relations. Job dedication is the personality that an employee displays to show that they have the tendency to go above and beyond to perform, working hard, staying goal oriented and focused on meeting or exceeding the mission or vision of the organization.The stresses within job dedication are centered on the ability to keep up with other goals or priorities that have been set amongst defeating the battle becoming overworked and a victim to job stresses. The collaboration of all job stresses, job performance, and job dedication in the workforce is used as conscientious for predicting job successors. Because conscientiousness is stably related to job performance, high- conscientious employees are preferred by organizations.However, this group would suffer a great deal when they experience hindrance stresses, such as organizational policies or constraints† (Lie, Lie, Mills, & Fan, 2013, p 338). Conclusion Reviewing all three of the articles provided a diverse level of information about human resources from the level of recruitment, sustainability, performance indicators, and conscientious in relation to workability skills. There were suggestions that implied in each of the authors literature that revises methods were used to obtain information, but with the notion that innovation could improve the study further.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Protons and Neutrons Stick Together in the Nucleus

Why Protons and Neutrons Stick Together in the Nucleus An atom contains protons, neutrons, and electrons.  The nucleus of an atom consists of bound protons and neutrons (nucleons). The negatively-charged electrons are attracted to the positively-charged protons and fall around the nucleus, much like a satellite is attracted to the gravity of the Earth. The positively-charged protons repel each other and arent electrically attracted or repelled to the neutral neutrons, so you may wonder how the atomic nucleus sticks together and why protons dont fly off. The explanation for why protons and neutrons stick together is known as the strong force. The strong force is also known as the strong interaction, color force, or strong nuclear force.  The strong force is much more powerful than the electrical repulsion between protons, however, the particles have to be close to each other for it to stick them together. How the Strong Force Works Protons and neutrons are made up of smaller subatomic particles. When protons or neutrons get close enough to each other, they exchange particles (mesons), binding them together. Once they are bound, it takes considerable energy to break them apart. To add protons or neutrons, the nucleons either have to be moving at high speed  or they need to be forced together under great pressure. Although the strong force overcomes electrostatic repulsion, protons do repel each other. For this reason, its usually easier to add neutrons to an atom than to add protons.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

PHP Source Code Isnt Viewable; Only HTML Code

PHP Source Code Isnt Viewable; Only HTML Code With many websites, you can use your browser or another program to view the documents source code. This is a common occurrence  by viewers who want to see how a website developer accomplished a feature on a website. Anyone can view all the HTML that was used to create the page, but even if the web page contains PHP code, you can only view the HTML code and the results of the PHP code, not the code itself. Why PHP Code Isnt Viewable All PHP scripts are executed on the server before the website is delivered to the site viewer. By the time the data gets to the reader, all that is left is the HTML code. This is why a person cant go to a .php website page, save the file and expect it to work. They can save the HTML and see the results of PHP scripts, which are embedded inside the HTML after the code is executed, but the script itself is safe from curious eyes. Here is a test: The result is  PHP Code Test, but the code that generates it isnt viewable. Although you can see that there must be PHP code at work on the page, when you view the document source, you only see PHP Code Test because the rest is just instructions for the server and is not passed on to the viewer. In this  test scenario, only the text is sent to the users browser. The end user never sees the code.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Phillip Morris Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Phillip Morris - Research Paper Example This does not only mean changing the Company’s name to Altria, but it also includes changing the status quo of the Company for the purpose of preparing it for efficient performance. Some of the procedures employed by Philip Morris to transform its operations include: (i) change of organizational culture—which means that the Company has liaised with its business partners and urged them to act according to laws and standards in their respective countries; (ii) Philip Morris requires broad re-branding—this will help the Company to create a new image for itself and its tobacco products. Customers as well as societies would be able to perceive the changes in the Company’s way of operations: (iii) instituting efficient internal organization policies will help the Company’s employees to easily associate with the Company’s visions and missions. The internal policies would detail the Company’s responsibilities to its adult customers, societies and governments. Employees of the Company need to be constantly reminded of their loyalty and duties to abide by the Company’s programs for family development. Once the Company has implemented all the techniques for re-branding, it is possible for Philip Morris to win back its customers and assume its former status as one of the best tobacco-producing companies in the world. But failure to implement these procedures will leave the Company vulnerable to further disgrace caused by the lawlessness of its global business partners. Philip Morris USA is a tobacco Company that prides itself on good management and financial disciplined. The Company demonstrates high level of respect for quality, both in the products it produces and the society Philip Morris is located. Some of the strongest features of the Company include but not limited to: (i) investing in leadership that would become efficient in handling all the problems affecting the Company; (ii) partnership with the society in a way that the Company

Friday, November 1, 2019

International Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

International Banking - Essay Example on whereby an organisation or business has immediate cash needs, although it has assets, its trading position is not good enough to honour all cash obligations (Machiraju, 2013). This is described as the risk of overcapitalisation and it occurs when an organisation holds a lot of assets, but lacks the ability to convert the assets into cash in the short-run. In the banking sector, the issue of liquidity risk occurs in a distinct and unique manner. One fundamental assumption of banking is that depositors are not going to withdraw all their money at once (Matz, 2011). Banks are however required to hold assets that are mainly liquid in nature and convert them to cash in a very short term (Matz, 2011). Therefore, in banking parlance, liquidity is defined as â€Å"the ability of an economic agent to exchange his existing wealth for goods and services or other assets without incurring damaging losses† (Castagna & Fede, 2013, p. 18). Liquidity risks include funding liquidity which refers to the risk of settling obligations with the central bank as it occurs. There is also the market liquidity risk which revolves around the ability of a bank to settle its obligations to stakeholders on the market. This is the â€Å"inability to realise assets due to inadequate market depth, or market disruption† (Adalsteinsson, 2014, p. 26). Bank liquidity risks can be measured both internally and externally. Internally, bank liquidity risks are defined by international conventions and practices that are placed on the authorities and directors of the bank. This is to be done through the utilisation of various formulas put forward by international entities like the Basel Conventions. Basel III proposed that bank liquidity risks can be evaluated by assessing: These are insider indices and they are often done through the utilisation of privileged information that allows banks to evaluate trends and processes in their activities and affairs. However, to the ordinary investor, there is likely